Gavin, T.A., P.W. Sherman, E. Yensen, and B. May. Taxonomic status of Spermophilus brunneus and S. b. endemicus with comparison to other western spermophilus. J. Mam. 80:156-168.
Seki, S, J.J. Agresti, , G.A.E. Gall, N. Taniguchi, and B. May. AFLP analysis of genetic diversity in three populations of ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis). Fish. Sci. 65:888-899.
Gavin, T.A., R.T. Reynolds, S.M. Joy, and B. May. Genetic evidence for low frequency of extra-pair fertilizations in Northern goshawks. Condor. 100:556-560 (pdf).
May, B. Starch gel electrophoresis of allozymes. In: Molecular Genetic Analysis of Populations: A Practical Approach. 2nd Ed. A.R. Hoelzel, ed. Oxford Univ. Press. Pp. 1-28 and 371-378.
May, B. Book Review. Molecular Systematics of Fishes, T.D. Kocher and C.A. Stepiens, eds. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 127:857-858.
Rodzen, J., J.J. Agresti, G. Tranah, and B. May. Agarose overlays allow simplified staining of polyacrylamide gels. Biotechniques. 25:584.
May, B., T.A. Gavin, P.W. Sherman, and T.M. Korves. Characterization of microsatellite loci in the Northern Idaho ground squirrel, Spermophilus brunneus Mol. Ecol. 6:399-400 (pdf).
May, B., C.C. Krueger, and H.L. Kincaid. Genetic variation at microsatellite loci in sturgeon: primer sequence homology in Acipenser and Scaphirhynchus. Can. J. Fish. & Aquat. Sci. 54: 1542-1547 (pdf).
Legge, J.T., R. Roush, B. May, R. DeSalle, and A. Vogler. Genetic criteria for establishing evolutionarily significant units in Cryan’s buckmoth. Cons. Biol. 10(1):85-98 (pdf).
Marsden, J.E., A. Spidle, and B. May. Review of genetic studies of Dreissena spp. Amer. Zool. 36:259-270 (pdf).
Mills, E.L., G. Rosenberg, A.P. Spidle, M. Ludyanskiy, Y. Pligin, and B. May. A review of the biology and ecology of the quagga mussel (Dreissena bugensis): a second species of freshwater dreissenid introduced to North America. Submitted to Amer. Zool. 36: 271-286.
Marsden, J. E., A. Spidle, and B. May. Genetic similarity among zebra mussel poulations within North America and within Europe. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 52:836-847 (pdf).
Perkins, D.L., J. Fitzsimons, J.E. Marsden, C.C. Krueger, and B. May. Differences in reproduction among hatchery strains of lake trout at eight spawning areas in Lake Ontario: genetic evidence from mixed-stock analysis. J. Great Lakes Res. 21:364-374.
Spidle, A.P., E.L. Mills, and B. May. Absence of naturally occurring hybridization between the quagga mussel (Dreissena bugensis) and the zebra mussel (D. polymorpha). Can. J. Zool. . 73:400-403 (pdf).
Spidle, A.P., E.L. Mills, and B. May. Differential response to changes in salinity and temperature in the quagga and zebra mussels (Dreissena bugensis Andrusov and D. polymorpha Pallas). Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 52:2108-2119
Aiken, S.G., L.L. Consaul, A. Spidle, and B. May. Allozyme and morphological observations on Festuca hyperborea, compared with F. baffinensis and F. brachyphylla (Poaceae) from the Canadian Arctic. Nord. J. Bot. 14(2): 137-143.
Grewe, P.M., C.C. Krueger, C.F. Aquadro, and B. May. Stability of allozyme and mitochondrial DNA markers among three year classes of lake trout propagated from Seneca Lake, New York. N. Amer. J. Fish. Man. 14:467-474 (pdf).
Grewe, P.M., C.C. Krueger, J.E. Marsden, C.F. Aquadro, and B. May. Hatchery origins of naturally produced lake trout fry captured in Lake Ontario: temporal and spatial variability based on allozyme and mitochondrial DNA data. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 123:309-320.
Krueger, C.C., D.L. Perkins, R.J. Everett, D.R. Schreiner, and B. May. Genetic variation in naturalized rainbow trout (steelhead) from Minnesota tributaries to Lake Superior. J. Great Lakes Res. 20:299-316.
Spidle, A.P., J.E. Marsden, and B. May. Identification of the Great Lakes quagga mussel as Dreissena bugensis from the Dnieper River, Ukraine, on the basis of allozyme variation. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 51:1485-1489 (pdf).
Grewe, P.M., C.C. Krueger, C.F. Aquadro, E. Bermingham, H. L. Kincaid, and B. May. Mitochodrial DNA variation among lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) strains stocked into Lake Ontario. Can J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 50:2397-2403.
Kincaid, H. L. , C.C. Krueger, and B. May. Genetic variation among remnant groups of the Green Lake strain of lake trout: preservation of the remnant Green Lake gene pool. N. Am. J. Fish. Man. 13:318-325 (pdf).
Marsden, J.E., C.C. Krueger, P.M. Grewe, H.L. Kincaid, and B. May. Genetic comparison of naturally-spawned and artificially-propagated Lake Ontario lake trout fry: evaluation of a stocking strategy for species rehabilitation. N. Am. J. Fish. Man. 13:304-317 (pdf).
May, B. and P. M. Grewe. Fate of maternal mtDNA following Cobalt60 inactivation of maternal nuclear DNA in unfertilized salmonid eggs. Genome 36:725-730.
May, B. and K. R. Johnson. Composite linkage map of salmonid fishes (Salvelinus, Salmo, and Oncorhynchus). In: Genetic Maps : Locus Maps of Complex Genomes. O’Brien, S.J. (ed.) Cold Spring Harbor. 4:309-317.
Perkins, D.L., C.C. Krueger, and B. May. Heritage brook trout in Northeastern USA: genetic variability within and among populations. Trans. Am Fish. Soc.122:515-532.
Royse, D.J. and B. May. Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis for the genetic analysis of edible mushrooms. In: Genetics and Breeding of Edible Mushrooms. Chang, S.T., J.A. Buswell, and P.G. Miles (ed.). pp. 225-247. Gordon and Breach Sci. Pub. Phil.
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