Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

GVL attends the Bay Delta Science meeting in 2018
GVL students and staff attend and present at the Bay Delta Science meeting in Sacramento, California, 2018

The GVL community adheres to anti-racist principles and strives for equity in science by 1) supporting diverse students and scholars, including female, international, Black and students/scholars of color, 2) consistently providing salary support for our students, 3) supporting graduate student and postdoc participation in conferences and other professional development opportunities, and 4) providing paid undergraduate internship opportunities. Director Andrea Schreier is a UC Davis campus facilitator for the California Consortium for Inclusive Doctoral Education (C-CIDE), supporting graduate groups working to make their admissions processes more equitable. We welcome undergraduate and graduate students and postdocs from all backgrounds to join us in our efforts to advance the conservation and management of fish and wildlife populations!